Las Vegas, Nevada
March 2005

This stop was part of a trip that Gloria and I took in February and March of 2005 from Hawaii to Mexico to Nevada to Los Angeles and home again.

This is a a view of the casino "New York New York" in the center of the Las Vegas Strip on the corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Tropicana. The MGM Grand, Excalibur, and the old Tropicana casinos are on the other corners, but their photos didn't turn out well.

We went to Las Vegas so that I could attend a three-day Photoshop conference and improve my skills All of the photos in this section were processed in Photoshop using techniques that I learned at the conference.

The opening session took place in a large auditorium and the center stage was set up like a professional boxing ring. Just before the band started playing they had a "T-shirt Toss" and I caught one of them.

This is Scott Kelby, president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (of which I am a member) and editor-in-chief of PhotoshopUser Magazine. On screen they played a fictional account of his Rocky-style life growing up to become a boxer who combined that with Photoshop techniques. Then they had two Photoshop experts dressed in full boxing regalia "battle it out" in the ring by competing with techniques on opposing lap-tops.

The conference was held at the huge casino/resort Mandalay Bay which has a vaguely Southeast Asian decor. This photo only shows one of the large towers and a small section of the vast covered areas.

One of the features of the Mandalay Bay is a large beach and swimming area, as well as a large aquarium.

The aquarium features predators of all kinds, including pirhana from the Amazon and many kinds of sharks. I didn't have a camera on the tour, but this painting shows what part of the aquarium looked like.

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